Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coca-Cola Company archivist seeking "The Real Thing"

Phil Mooney wants an original Coca-Cola serving tray and three Norman Rockwell paintings commissioned by Coke. Mooney has served as The Coca-Cola Company archives director since 1977. The company's collection dates to Coke's creation in 1886, thousands of the items on display in the new World of Coke museum, which opened in May in downtown Atlanta. Mooney only pursues artifacts that will fill a void in the company's collection.

Two categories he seeks:
  1. An original serving tray
  2. Norman Rockwell paintings (Coke commissioned six but only has three of them)
In our Podcast this week, Mr. Mooney recounts Coca-Cola's storied past from the triumphant reign of Robert Woodruff to the branding debacle commonly known as "New Coke."