Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Governor Perdue: How to make health insurance affordable to small businesses

Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is proposing a "health insurance partnership initiative" to help small businesses offer coverage for their employees. The plan will split the costs among the state and federal governments, employer and employee.

In this Podcast, Governor Perdue explains how the state will use its bargaining power to reduce costs to small businesses.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why we don't stand behind old men when waiting to use the restroom

Here’s a quiz. You’re in line for the restroom at the football game. Do you line up behind the young guy or the older guy? Even Dr. Nikhil Shah’s 10-year-old nephew knows you don't wait behind the old guy, because his grapefruit-sized prostate will likely make you miss the next set of downs.

Dr. Shah is Director of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Robotic Urology at St. Joseph's Hospital, where he uses robots to perform prostate and other surgeries using the latest technology.

In this podcast, Dr. Shah reveals what every man should know about his weight, cholesterol and prostate.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

To save Grady, Cobb chair says look under Gold Dome

Saving Grady Memorial Hospital from financial ruin requires a state-wide solution. So says Atlanta Regional Commission chair Sam Olens. He says Cobb County, where he chairs the board of commissioners, can't bail out Grady because Cobb hospitals spend more on Atlanta's indigent patients than vice-versa.

In this Podcast, Olens also predicts Atlanta's long legal battle over water is likely to end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.